50mg CBD Isolate Inhaler


Discrete, fast acting and a great alternative to vapes or smoking. High bioavailability with 100 doses of 0.5mg of CBD means highly effective relief for many users. This pharmaceutical grade pressurized metered dose inhaler has a mild vanilla flavor and contains 50mg of CBD per canister. We use only the finest GMP CBD isolate in our inhaler formulation. Used by many patients and customers that must avoid THC, our zero THC formula still offers maximum efficacy for those in need.

As a dosable product, you may tie into a personal dosing app with the Gofire DoseCode on our back label by just scanning it. Gofire makes managing your dose and medicine easy and efficient. Intuitively monitor dose delivery, track session efficacy, and discover products and dose regimens that work best for you with the Gofire App.

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product to addresses in the state of Colorado. If you are in Colorado, your cart will only process your other selections.

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